INVEST Campaign
INVEST is the Julia Green PTO’s annual giving campaign. All funds raised during INVEST are used to support Julia Green Elementary School. INVEST is the primary source of funding for the PTO budget
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Betsy & Thomas Bernstein
Ginger & David Wedemeyer
INVEST Social Chairs
Stephanie Sabbe
Meredith Gerhart
Emily Serck
INVEST Video Chair
Suzannah Green
What are the INVEST funds used for?
The funds raised through INVEST support Julia Green students in a number of ways, including by providing funding for:​

- Reading specialists
- Math enrichment teachers
- A writing enrichment teacher
- Capital improvements including the recently paved outdoor track
- Academic enrichment activities, including classroom visits from Mr. Bond's Science Guys
- Additional library books, textbooks, and classroom supplies
- Technology enhancements including smart boards and educational software
- Funding for Julia’s Families and Hornets with Heart
- Funding for the school garden and student-initiated composting program
- Free events for our school community including Back to School Bash, Carnival, Grandparents & Special Friends Day, Hornet Hustle, Field Day, and the Art Show
- Parent education
- Teacher appreciation
And much more!
How Much Should Families Give?
No matter what size, your contribution matters! The suggested donation amount for current families is $425 per student. Whatever you decide, know that ALL gifts regardless of size help us meet our goal. Each donation - be it $50, $500, or $5,000 - helps to provide our children with an elementary education that is enriching and engaging.
How Can Families Give?
If you wish to make a contribution, please donate online. You may also write a check to “Julia Green PTO.” Please include your child's name in the memo line and mail the donation to Julia Green Elementary School, Attn: Lauren Hunter, 3500 Hobbs Road, Nashville, TN 37215​The Julia Green PTO also accepts gifts of stock. If you would like to contribute a gift of stock toward the campaign, please email​All donations to the Julia Green PTO are tax deductible and are kept confidential.
Increase Your Gift with Corporate Matching
Many companies have matching gift programs. It's estimated that $4-$7 billion in matching gifts go unclaimed each year. Together we can tap those dollars for Julia Green - it could double your donation at no additional cost to you! Typically, you can reach out to your Human Resources or Benefits departments to see if your company will match your gift. If they will, you will likely need to provide the following information to request the match:​

- Donee: Julia Green School Parent Teacher Organization
- EIN: 30-0278216
- Mailing Address: 3500 Hobbs Road, Nashville TN 37215
- Phone Number: 615-298-8082
- Amount of your donation​

If you have any questions about making a matching gift, e-mail
Thank you for INVESTing in Julia Green!​
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